spalio 25, 2007


As definition of this word says that it's an intense, irrational fear of an object or situation. It's wrong if we think that phobia is just a kind of fear. Cause it's quite normal to be afraid of thing - like going to the new job, hearing a huge clapping of thunder or just talking in front of the crowd. A phobia is different because it's extremely strong and unconsciousness feeling terror. It's also a kind of fear that doesn't go away. People who have some kind of phobia will be afraid of something every time he or she experiences it.
Panic attack when you are afraid of something can be really scary and may make person shake, sweat and breathe quickly. Some people who have panic attacks may have chest pains, feel dizzy, or feel like their hearts are pounding and they can't breathe.
Incidentally,few days ago my friends and I were sitting and waiting for our order in "Cili". And we read a magazine "cukrus", where was an article about phobias. It was said that there are so many phobias that counting them is impossible work. very interesting fact that about 10% of all people have some kind of phobia and mostly 25-44 years old people suffer from them. It's very funny that adults suffer from phobias more than children, when children has wider imagination and has less knowledge about the world.
One of the most popular phobia is - social. This phobia can make someone feel scared of being embarrassed in front of other people. Sometimes this phobia is called social anxiety. I think,we all feel bigger or smaller fear before meeting new people or speaking in front of them, but it doesn't mean that we all have social phobia. When our fear becomes uncontrolled,we can't enjoy this situations and try to avoid them, it's called social fear. I have read a very interesting article on the net about social anxiety and it was said that there are two different kinds of social phobia: general and specific.
If you suffer from first,general social phobia, you are scared of every situation where you are becoming in the center of attention. You are afraid when everybody is looking at you and noticing what you are doing. Sometimes you even worry about eating or drinking in the public. It is also difficult for you to go shopping, to the restaurant or everyplace where are many people. when you are suffering from social phobia parties one of the most dangerous place for you. You start feeling panic when you think about the room full of people and finally get into the room like in you thoughts you think that everybody is staring to you.
Another kind of social phobia is specific. This is a particular phobia that affects people who have to be the center of attention as a part of tier way of life. For example, salesmen, actors, musicians and so on. In spite of this, it doesn't cause any problems for them in ordinary social situations. Even if you suffer from social phobia you can notice that you can mix and communicate with other people with any problems. However, when you have to talk or perform in front of others , you become very anxious. It can affect even people who are experienced at speaking in public and do it regularly. Sometimes it can so affect you, that speaking in public becomes impossible, even asking a question.

1 komentaras:

Anonimiškas rašė...

Anxiety disorders, in addition to generalized anxiety, include phobias, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. For millions of sufferers anxiety disorders are disruptive, debilitating and often the reason for loss of job and serious problems in family relationships.