gruodžio 07, 2008

Self-assessment of ESP

I would like to talk about my achievements and misfortunes in the last semester of ESP (English for specific purposes) courses.
Writing (a summary):
As my grades from this task show that writing is quite difficult for me. In this last term, we wrote just summaries and only restatement summaries. We were practising this type of writing because in the end of this semester we are going to have exams including this type of work. I think now, in the end of the third semester, I know the main guidelines how to write a good restatement summary. Of course, I should try to avoid grammar mistakes, and concentrate on the content of summary. Sometimes it's too hard for me to choose which facts in the text are the most important and which are less. So I think I should read more examples of restatement summaries and try to keep practicing.
Writing ESP vocabulary tests:
I think this task became more difficult than in the beginning of these ESP courses. The phrases, words and definitions became more specific and not so well-known. So it took more time to memorize new words and prepare for this task, but I think this was one of the most useful task, cause it's very immportant to know words and phrases related with psychology.
Listening comprehension in class:
It's one of my favourite task. I think listening tasks were comprehensively useful and necessary. It helps to learn new words and phrazes, also it improves our understanding of british-english language. Some exercises were very difficult and others were quite easy, so I can't evaluate my own listening skills. I think it depends on the concentration to the task and of course on the level of the exercise. I think the exam will show the level of my understanding of listening task.
Listening to peers' power point presentations:
This task was very easy, cause understanding your peer speech is easer than understanding people who's english is mother-tongue. Also I think that our knowledge in english is quite equal. Presentations were very interesting and it was easy to listent and memorize new information.
Making power point presentation:
I chosen not a good theme to talk in my presentation, so that was one of the biggest failures in all semester. I took a subject "Psychology of advertising" and it didn't fit to our themes in this semester, so I had to do one more presentation. So I made one more presentation about social influence. I think it was quite easy to do this task, cause I like making presentations, but it wasn't so easy to represent it to my peers. I don't like talking in front of the auditory and it gave any pleasure for me :) all in all, I think this task is important cause only practicing is the best way to learn.
Speaking on ESP themes in class:
I would like to repeat some my words said in the last Self-assessement of ESP. This task is not equaly good for all students. I don't like ti interrupt other people and I don't like such kind of discussions. On the other hand, this task is needful cause it helps to improve your speaking. I think my performance in this task was not very impressive and I should keep practicing my speaking every moment.